The Carmen Murray Show - Conscious Conversations

The Carmen Murray Show - Conscious Conversations

#081 Chef to Billionaire | Antonio Iozzo

March 04, 2021

What's the mindset of a billionaire?

Antonio Iozzo (CEO of Insurance Underwriting Managers & Body Action Gym)

In this informative episode, Carmen Murray chats to Antonio Iozzo, a self-made billionaire, about his journey and how he is planning to rattle the cages in the eye of the storm.

Antonio Iozzo, CEO of Insurance Underwriting Managers, has become a household name in Johannesburg business circles in recent years. His features in various publications, front-page exposure in Entrepreneur magazine, BusinessDay TV, and coverage on Standard Bank’s BizConnect site. It has also earned him recognition in the business world: he was the 2013 recipient of the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade & Industry’s FNB Business Excellence Award, and has recently been nominated for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2020/21 Award.

Antonio has remained fundamentally true to his roots. His unassuming nature, and even-tempered personality seem to belie his stature in the business world. The Antonio Iozzo story is a classic “rags to riches” tale, involving his ascent from inauspicious beginnings via business and personal travails to the heights of commercial success.

About your host:
Carmen Murray, CEO of Boo-Yah! Modern Marketing Services, successful entrepreneur on a mission to change the way we do Marketing. She takes a no-nonsense approach to help organisations escape "old-school" marketing and keep them relevant to the time we now live in, serving the needs of the customer, whilst creating shared value. Marketing is in a "state of flux" and it takes a marketing activist to get you back on track.

Murray is one of the most influential marketers in South Africa and was recognised by Meltwater as one of the top Women in Tech in Africa (2019) and also received the most prestigious award, the IAB Black Pixel (2019) for Best Individual Contribution to Digital.