Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5Q:5M: Parental Quandary and the Million Dollar Question

March 13, 2015

Carl and Mike tackle the following thought-provoking questions including some from the Nightly Show's #KeepIt100 segment that we couldn't fit into our Special Keep It #100 Edition of 5Q:5M. 
1) If your child murdered someone you really don't like, do you try to cover it up?
2) Do you play the lottery? Why or why not?3) Do you think society is too involved in parenting children?4) Does putting overweight woman on magazine covers increase social equality or encourage obesity?5) You have a choice - guaranteed million dollars or 50% chance at 100 million dollars. Which do you choose and why?
Have a question for Carl and Mike? Any question is fair game. Twitter your question @carlandmike or leave it in the comments at