Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5min2: Five Questions for Carl

November 03, 2014

Welcome to 5 Questions in 5 Minutes  — our little podcast bonus to the longer Carl and Mike episodes. Each week on 5?:5min, we attempt to answer five questions in … you guessed it 5 minutes. 
What kind of questions? Everything’s fair game. So let's hear from you. Ask questions about us, or something you heard on the podcast, a personal or business issue, or a world problem.
What makes us qualified to answer your questions? Think of us as Dear Abby’s twisted uncles. And besides we’ve got a podcast and most likely lived longer than you, so leave your sensibilities at the door and ask away. 
Turnabout is fair play, so in this second episode Mike asks Carl 5 questions for him to answer in 5 minutes.
Send your questions through Twitter, or ask in the comments section on oir website at: Get your question on the show and we’ll email you a Carl and Mike Thought Leadership badge! Thanks for your support!