Campfire Conversations by 1Campfire

Campfire Conversations by 1Campfire

Gone Batty with Dr. Cori Lausen

June 22, 2022

Steve and JP sit down with Dr. Cori Lausen of the Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada.

Dr. Lausen is a bat research and conservation biologist whose program focuses largely on a science-based response to white-nose syndrome, a catastrophic disease impacting bats in North America, with 3 main tools: inventory and monitoring, disease prevention, and mitigation research.

We see the parallels in these furry mammals as we do in large game in North America. There are problems with inventory, disease and largely funding.

Did you know that bats can SEE, and some even see colour? There goes ‘blind as a bat’.

This is a fascinating listen that is not only educational, but fun.

Find us wherever you podcast, and check out her work at