Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Nothing But the Blood
October 09, 2016

Brother Mark preached this morning from Hebrews 8:6-13 in his sermon titled, “Nothing But the Blood”.

Jesus is Coming..Are You Ready?
October 02, 2016

This morning we welcomed Brother Jesse White as our guest preacher. Brother Jesse delivered his sermon titled, “Jesus is Coming..Are You Ready?”

The Anchor Holds
September 25, 2016

Brother Mark delivered another great sermon this morning titled, “The Anchor Holds. And he preached from Hebrews 6:19-20.

All Creation Groans…Get Ready
September 18, 2016

Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “All Creation Groans..Get Ready” and he preached from the book of Romans 8:18-26.

Seeing the Invisible
September 04, 2016

Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “Seeing the Invisible” and he preached from the book of Matthew 9:27-31.

Being Uncomfortable with Comfortability
August 28, 2016

This Sunday we welcomed back Brother Mark Abney as our guest preacher. Brother Mark delivered a truly convicting sermon titled, “Being Uncomfortable with Comfortability”.

Reflecting Christ
August 14, 2016

Returning for another week we welcomed back Brother Mark Abney as our guest preacher. Brother Mark delivered a powerful sermon titled “Reflecting Christ”, and he preached from the book of 2 Corinthians 3.

Transforming Power of Christ
August 07, 2016

This morning we welcomed back Brother Mark Abney as our guest preacher. Brother Mark delivered a great sermon preaching from the book of 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. We trust that Brother Mark’s message will bless you and we hope that it … Continued

Storms of Life
July 31, 2016

This Sunday morning we welcomed Brother Charles Brant as our guest preacher. Brother Charles delivered his sermon titled, “Storms of Life” and he preached from Mark 4:36-41. Are you facing a storm in your life? Brother Charles reminds us that … Continued

Prepare and Go
July 24, 2016

Returning for another week, Brother Jesse White preached from the book of Isaiah 6:1-8. Brother White explained that we must prepare ourselves to be in the presence of God as we are called to do His work. And when we … Continued