Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Growing Horizontally
March 05, 2017

Brother Mark delivered his sermon this morning titled, “Growing Horizontally” and he preached from the book of Romans 12:8-21.

Who Am I
February 26, 2017

Brother Mark delivered a great message this morning titled “Who Am I” and he preached from the book of Romans 12:3-8.

What’s Up With Worship
February 19, 2017

Preaching from the book of Romans 12, Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled “What’s Up With Worship”.

Love Like Jesus
February 12, 2017

As we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled “Love Like Jesus”, and he preached from 1 Corinthians 13.

How The Word Works
February 05, 2017

Brother Mark delivered a passionate sermon today and preached from the book of James 1:21-27 in his sermon titled, “How The Word Works”.

How Jesus Searches for the Lost
January 29, 2017

This morning Brother Mark preached from the book of Luke 19:10 in his sermon titled, “How Jesus Searches for the Lost”.

Jesus and the Church
January 22, 2017

Brother Mark preached out of the book of Luke 15 in his sermon titled, “Jesus and the Church”.

Walk Simply With God
January 08, 2017

Brother Mark delivered a passionate sermon titled, “Walk Simply With God” and he preached from the book of Ecclesiastes 12:9-14.

Lord’s Supper
January 01, 2017

As we prepared to accept the Lord’s Supper, Brother Mark preached from the book of Luke 22:14-20 in his sermon titled, “Lord’s Supper”.

The Problem with Christmas Pt. 4
December 25, 2016

Brother Mark delivered the final part in his series titled, “The Problem with Christmas” and he preached out of Galatians 4:4-7.