Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

The Power of a Godly Mom
May 14, 2017

On this Mother’s Day, Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled “The Power of a Godly Mom” and he preached from 1 Samuel 1.

Predestination and Election
May 07, 2017

This Sunday Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “Predestination and Election” and he preached from the book of Romans 8:28-29.

Heaven or Hell?
April 30, 2017

Preaching from the book of Luke 16:19-31 Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “Heaven or Hell”. Do you know your ultimate destination after you die? Brother Mark reminded us that life is fragile and the time to make a decision … Continued

Going Out to Eat with Jesus
April 23, 2017

Brother Mark delivered his sermon this morning titled, “Going Out to Eat with Jesus” and he preached from Luke 24:13-35.

The Power of Easter
April 16, 2017

Today we celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Brother Mark preached from the book of 1 Corinthians 15:15-20 in his sermon titled, “The Power of Easter”.

The Path of Easter: Footsteps of Jesus
April 09, 2017

On this special day, Palm Sunday, Brother Mark preached from the book of Matthew 26:57-75 in his sermon titled, “The Path of Easter: Footsteps of Jesus”.

The Path of Easter: The Preparation
April 02, 2017

This Sunday we observed the Lord’s Supper, and Brother Mark preached from the book of Matthew 26:1-35 in his sermon titled “The Path of Easter..The Preparation”.

Prayers for Easter
March 26, 2017

Preaching from the book of Matthew 26:37-46, Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled “Prayers for Easter”.

Spiritual Gifts
March 19, 2017

Brother Mark preached from the books of Romans, 1 Corinthians and Ephesians this morning in his sermon titled, “Spiritual Gifts”.

Growing Horizontally Part Two
March 12, 2017

Brother Mark delivered part two of his sermon titled “Growing Horizontally” and he preached from Romans 12.