Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Evaluate Your Relationships
January 07, 2018

Brother Mark continued his series on Celebrate Recovery with his sermon titled “Evaluate Your Relationships”. Brother Mark read his key scripture out of Ephesians 4:31-32.

Recovery: Voluntarily Submit to God
December 31, 2017

Brother Mark continued his series titled “Recovery”. He preached out of Romans 12:1-2 in his sermon titled, “Voluntarily Submit to God”.

Recovery: Step 4 Openly Exam Your Faults
December 10, 2017

This morning Brother Mark continued his series titled, “Recovery” with his sermon titled “Recover: Step 4 Openly Exam Your Faults”. Brother Mark read out of Psalms 32.

The Road to Recovery
November 26, 2017

Brother Mark preached out of Matthew 11 in his sermon titled, “The Road to Recovery”.

Johnny VanWinkle’s Testimony and Celebrate Recovery
November 05, 2017

This morning brother Brother Mark read out of Isaiah 55. Brother Mark asked Brother Johnny VanWinkle to come and share his testimony with the congregation. We hope you enjoy today’s message and we trust it will bless you as it … Continued

The High and the Humble
October 29, 2017

This morning Brother Mark preached out of Luke 18:9-14 in his sermon titled “The High and the Humble”.

2 Peter 3
October 22, 2017

Brother Mark continued his series in 2 Peter and he read out of 2 Peter 3.

The Review
October 15, 2017

This morning Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “The Review” and he read out of 2 Peter 2:1-3.

Remember This
October 08, 2017

This Sunday brother Mark delivered a sermon titled, “Remember This” and he read out of 2 Peter 1:12-21.

Examine Yourself
October 01, 2017

Brother Mark preached out of 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 in his sermon titled “Examine Yourself”.