Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Walk This Way: Children
July 08, 2018

Brother Mark continued his series titled, “Walk This Way” with his sermon titled “Walk This Way: Children”.

The Lord’s Supper
June 24, 2018

Preaching out of 1 Corinthians 11, Brother Mark delivered his sermon titled, “The Lord’s Supper”.

Walk This Way: Men
June 17, 2018

Brother Mark preached out of Ephesians 5 in his sermon titled, “Walk This Way: Men”.

Walk This Way Part Two
June 03, 2018

Brother Mark delivered part two of his sermon titled, “Walk This Way” and he preached out of Ephesians 5.

The Greatest Prayer That’s Ever Been Prayed
May 27, 2018

Brother Mark delivered his sermon this morning titled, “The Greatest Prayer That’s Every Been Prayed”, and he read out of John 17.

Walk This Way
May 19, 2018

Preaching from Ephesians 4, Brother Mark Delivered his sermon titled “Walk This Way”.

The Ones
May 06, 2018

Brother Mark delivered his sermon this morning titled, “The Ones” and he preached from Ephesians 4.

When Life’s Train Derails
April 29, 2018

In his sermon titled “When Life’s Train Derails”, Brother Mark preached out of 2 Chronicles 20.

April 22, 2018

Brother Mark preached out of John 21 in his sermon titled, “Restoration”.

Fishing with Jesus
April 15, 2018

Brother Mark preached this morning out of John 21 in his sermon titled, “Fishing with Jesus”.