C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Latest Episodes

What Has Jesus Done? – Part 1
July 29, 2012

Jesus chose to do His first miracle in a tiny, insignificant town called Cana. He was invited to a wedding. Now, Jesus had just started His ministry on earth when He was invited to this wedding. You would think He would decline the invitation. He had a lo

Ps Matt Shackleford – Did We Forget Jesus?!
July 22, 2012

Mary and Joseph left Jesus in Jerusalem when He was twelve years old. Think about that for a moment. Jesus, the Savior of the World, the Son of God, is entrusted into your care...and you lose Him. This is not a good thing. Not at all. And yet, how often d

Ps Travis Brown
July 22, 2012

With all the emphasis on the next generation, we need to remember that the next generation is watching us. They see how we live our lives, how we react to circumstances, even what we post on Facebook! What is one thing that is important for our next gener

Jake Sweetman
July 15, 2012

The story of Lazarus provides insight to how God moves. It is one of the most profound miracles that Jesus performed. Like many of the Miracles that Jesus performed it didn't go as the people expected. Just as Lazarus is resurrected God wants to resurr...

Summer Fest Send Off 2012
July 08, 2012

Ps. Kay prays over and sends out the youth, youth leaders, youth pastors, and volunteers going to the Summerfest Youth Conference.

Tim Weeks – The Power and The Pain of Potential
July 08, 2012

God has an unspeakable, untold, and unlimited plan for you. He has it all ready to go! He sees the potential in each of our lives and cheers us on as we walk in it. Many of us have faced the hardship of having our potential halted by rough patches in life

Kay Weeks – Me? Important?
July 08, 2012

In I Corinthians 12, Paul likens the Body of Christ to the human body. Just as we need every part of our body to function correctly in order for us to be healthy, each member of the Body of Christ is indispensable to the work of the Kingdom. Each of us ha

Jeff Kane – Part 2
July 01, 2012

God's revelation was so intense to Isaiah, that he almost died. Moses' encounter with God left him glowing. Our experience with God needs to change us so much that we radiate God's light. Get a different perspective on your relationship with God today. Je

Jeff Kane – Part 1
July 01, 2012

You have made a decision. You want God to impact your life. God cares about you. If you made that decision, then decide you are not going to leave without being changed! We should read the Word like we are looking for cell phone, like we truly searching

June 24, 2012

We at C3 love the Bible. We love reading the Bible. We love the truth inside the Bible. The Bible is the infallible, uncompromising, and full truth of God. Whatever we say is but a shadow of the truth of God’s Word. We also read the Bible in its cont