C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Sacrifice - Part 1

March 10, 2013

The shedding of Blood to cover sins is an established principle that runs throughout the Bible from Adam and Even to Jesus. It all began in the Garden. Genesis 2, 3, and 4 tell the story of the fall of man and the introduction of the sacrifice. Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent into doubting God. They both chose to eat the fruit, and because of their decision, God had to implement the death of an animal to cover them. God is not the author of death. Death is not in His nature. It was His intention that all things live forever. Had Adam and Eve obeyed God, sacrifice would not have been necessary, but because of their disobedience, the plan to redeem them and all of us through death had to be implemented.

Sacrifice is all about faith. We give in faith. When Adam and Eve sinned, they covered themselves in fig leaves. They tried to apply a manmade solution to their problems. That is a legalistic mindset that has followed humanity ever since. We try to work our way into God’s grace and favor when He has already done all the work. Cain was dejected because God did not accept his offering of his own works. Grace saves us; grace brought about by the final sacrifice—Jesus Christ.

Sacrificial living is living to give and not to get. God’s way of receiving is through giving. We give into relationships and then receive what it is we need as a result. God modeled the sacrificial lifestyle for us through Jesus. He showed us how to live and then brought the tools which we would need to life the way He instructs. To live sacrificially is to live by obedience and faith.