C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Vision Builders - part 4 (Jill Sweetman)

February 24, 2013

God created the earth out of a vision. Before He spoke and the world was, He imagined what it would be like. He saw what He wanted and moved to make it happen. His vision for the earth came in stages. First He created light. Then He separated the waters. Then He created land. And so on and so forth until He had fulfilled His vision and deemed it as excellent! God, then, commissioned Adam and Even to “multiply and subdue†the earth and the “rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air.†He gave them the tools needed to subdue the earth and then gave them the vision to see it done.

God’s method for bringing forth a vision holds true to today. God gives us a vision and the tools to achieve it. We decide in faith to move toward that vision. As we move, God creates the vision in stages. One step at a time, the vision comes to pass. Some visions are exciting and appealing; they are easy for us to want to achieve. Other visions are not so comfortable and require a lot of faith for us to achieve it. Either way, as we move toward that vision, we see it come to pass. God has called us all to be Visions Builders, and the visions is built when we work together to reach other people, bring them into the House, and see their lives changed. We are Visions Builders.