C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Vision Builders - part 3

February 17, 2013

The tithe is one of the most debated points in Christianity today. It dates back long before the Law of Moses was established. The story is found in Genesis 14. Abram has just one a massive victory against 5 kings. He has plundered their kingdoms and come away with great wealth. The King of Sodom (the world) comes to Abram to beg his people back. In the midst of this meeting—where a God seeker and a world seeker are about to square off—Melchizedek, the King of Salem and a Priest of God (Melchizedek means “Prince of Justice†and Salem means “Peaceâ€) comes in with bread and wine and a blessing for Abram. Abram, in response to Melchizedek, gives him 10% of his plunder.

There are several elements to be learned from this story. First off, Sodom is the world. The world has their way of doing things. The world compromises to get what it wants. However, whenever you compromise for something, you inevitably lose it. Abram is a man of God. He has amassed his wealth through faithful service to God’s ways. This is a moment when God’s ways face the world’s ways.

You can be certain that when the world comes after you, Jesus will interject. Melchizedek is the first theophany found in the Bible. A theophany is a moment when Jesus appears before the New Testament. Melchizedek has no record of who he is, who his family is, or what happens to him later. He is mentioned three times in the Bible; here in Genesis, again in Psalms, and then in Hebrews. All refer back to this moment. Melchizedek (Jesus) brings Abram refreshment and a blessing. When we fight and win a battle against the world’s ways, Jesus will always show up to refresh us, and the blessing begins to flow. And out of a response to what Jesus has done, we give.

Giving is not a demand. Giving out of guilt is the old covenant. Jesus, through the new covenant, wants us to give willingly out of a response from the heart. Abram gave because he felt the urge to respond coming from his heart. In the same regard, we give to Jesus through tithes and offerings. Tithes help to fund the vision of God. God’s vision for C3 Church is to plant churches. We want to have 1000 churches by 2020. Tithes and offerings help bring that vision to pass. So, take the challenge to begin tithing and see how the vision of God will be fulfilled.