C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Vision Builders - part 2

February 10, 2013

Vision is the spice of life. People who are frustrated with their lives are people who are not grafted into a vision. Visionaries see what is going to happen. Vision is faith with pictures. Vision is the outcome, not the beginning, of what God is going to do. It is not what we hope will happen; it is what WILL happen.

Habakkuk 2:1 says, “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how He will answer my complaint.†The Watchtower is the place where we see our vision. We see far beyond what we could see on the ground. We need to build our own watchtowers. We cannot use someone else’s and expect to receive a vision from God. Vision comes from time spent in prayer in our Watchtower.

The Watchtower is also a place to see enemies coming. Vision from God requires faith; it is always something out of our reach. When we take the steps to pursue God’s vision, we are faced with fear, doubt, and discouragement. If we are not afraid, it is not from God. There will always be people casting doubt on the vision. And discouragement will come in the most intimate way—when the world around us is falling apart because we took the steps to see God’s vision happen. But when the enemy is upon us, we need to climb back into our Watchtower and seek God again.

Verse 2 states, “Write my answer plainly on tablets so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.†There are three sets of people involved in the vision: You (the visionary), those who catch your vision and carry it (the runners), and those who receive it from the runners (the others). You cannot carry the vision along. You are not meant to. We carry the vision together. It spreads, more and more people buy in, and the vision of God is carried out.

God says that even when the vision tarries, we wait. It is coming quickly; we need to be patient. Too many times, people abandon the vision because it took too long. We need to grab the revelation of delayed gratification. The best things come when we wait for them.