C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Wholeistic Awesomeness - Part 4

January 26, 2013

John 14 through 16 contains probably the best explanation of the Trinity. The Trinity is perhaps one of the most confusing points in Christianity. We serve one God, but He comes in three forms. There is Father God; Jesus, the Son of God who is fully God and fully Man; and the Holy Spirit. All are equally God; all are one in and of each other. Jesus states it this way, “I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me.†There is a ONEness in the Trinity that defines the wholeistic nature of God. When the Spirit of God is present, there is wholeness.

The spirit is the final part of the tree-part man. It is the part that connects directly with God. When we accept Jesus into our lives, the Holy Spirit immediately comes in to us, brings our spirit to life, and begins the salvation process of our soul and body. Jesus said to His disciples in John 14 that the Spirit “lives with you now and later will be in you.†The Spirit can be with us all the time. The Spirit is God; omnipresent, omnipotent, the whole nine yards. He is everywhere, thus He is always with us. The Spirit can only come IN to us when we receive Jesus. The world cannot receive the Spirit without first receiving Jesus.

When the Spirit of God comes in us, there is ONEness. God wants to make us ONE, whole, fully complete in Him. It is in His nature. His Spirit binds us together as the Body of Christ. When we allow the Spirit to make us whole and then be bound to others with the same wholeness and same spirit, great things start to happen. Jesus taught a great deal on the importance of being ONE. The Body of Christ is the representation of Jesus on this earth. Jesus was the image of God; the Spirit creates in us the image of Jesus; and we reflect the image of Jesus to the world. The primary way to do that is to work together as ONE like a body with many parts, and it is the Spirit of God that makes us ONE.