C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Wholeistic Awesomeness - Part 3 - Tim Weeks

January 24, 2013

Vision is the direction and drive of life. If we do not have a vision, we do not really go anywhere. God has a vision for us. Each and every one of us has a purpose. We were created—body, soul, and spirit—for a reason. We may not be able to see the vision God has for us but that does not mean it does not exist. A good way to see what our vision is is to take a look at what we pray. What are we asking God? Are we praying for ourselves? Are we praying for others? Do we pray like we believe that God is the God who can do anything?

Vision is irrevocably connected to faith. We cannot have one without the other. We want to see a vision come to pass in our world, we need faith. There are three steps in combining faith and vision and seeing it come to pass. First, we need to see the vision. Hebrews 11 has some of the greatest verses about faith. The most famous is, of course, that faith is the belief in things unseen. A vision born of faith is the ability to see what is going to happen. We speak the vision; we believe the vision; we see it happen!

Step two is quite possibly the hardest. We have the faith to believe that vision is possible for ourselves. It is very easy to believe for someone else. We can so easily encourage and pray and believe that someone else’s vision will come to pass for them. They can have it; we cannot. We can be afraid to believe in our own visions because, sometimes, the vision dies. Sometimes we step up, we believe, we pray, and we speak the vision in faith! But then…it dies. And it is a really rough day when the vision dies. We don’t have the strength to believe again. But Jesus is calling us in these moments to believe again. He is saying, “Hey, no worries! I’ve got this.†Will you believe again?

The last step is to work the vision. We’ve determined to believe that God can do it; the vision can happen! We’ve bolstered our faith to believe that it will happen for us. Now it is time to work the vision. We make goals for the vision. We take physical action to make it happen. God has got the vision all lines up and ready to go; we step towards it, He meets us, and, with work, the vision comes to pass. And God gets all the glory because He made it happen in the end.

So pray like you believe and see the vision come to pass!