Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

39: Monetization Tips for Influencers with Jenny Guy

June 07, 2018

Whether you're an old school blogger that started monetizing your platform after years of posting, or a new influencer that launched your website with making money in mind, content creators often struggle with monetization strategies (if you have a strategy at all).

You may be worried about alienating the audience that took so long to build.

You may have trouble getting your audience to convert into customers.

You may just have no idea where to begin, or squirm at the idea of making money at all from what started as a labor of love.

It's all about finding that balance between monetization and your reader experience,
and you never want to sacrifice one for the other.
Jenny Guy

This week on the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast, we're excited to talk monetization tips for influencers with Jenny Guy. Jenny has interacted with so many bloggers, working in roles on the brand side as well as on the advertiser and influencer network sides— so you could say she knows monetization from all sides. She now works as a marketing associate for Mediavine, a full service ad management agency that empowers content creators to make blogging their full-time job through digital advertising (without having to master the tech side).

Tune in to this episode to hear:

* the most common ways that bloggers can monetize (and one relatively untapped resource)
* how best to project a steady income
* strategies to monetize without alienating your audience
* mistakes bloggers make with sponsored posts and working with brands
* what Jenny considers a maximum ratio of sponsored to unsponsored posts
* how Mediavine allows publishers to optimize ads for reader experience, and what they provide that you won't get from other ad networks.

What are your top monetization tips and pain points? Let's talk making money over in Businessese HQ.

Jenny on Facebook and LinkedIn
Mediavine on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook (don't forget to check out the Summer of Live!)
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