Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

37: Hiring Our First Full-Time Employee

May 24, 2018

There's a lot of fear-facing that goes on when you start your own business. It's an immensely scary thing to strike out on your own, without a safety net; to be your own boss and know your success depends on YOU—what you develop, deliver, ship.

It's also scary when your business becomes successful to the extent that you can't do it on your own anymore. The idea of hiring your first employee may be a relief, but going from being your own boss to being someone else's boss comes with a new set of fears: can I afford this? How do I know who to hire? And will I ever really trust this stranger with my baby, my business?

Hiring is hard. Relinquishing control of every aspect of the business you've built is even harder. We know all about it because we've been there.

We knew if we wanted to grow and scale any further, we had to delegate some of the existing workload. And we're happy to report that we went through the hiring process and survived—and we're ready to share what we've learned with you.

Tune in to this week's episode of the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast and you'll hear about:

* how we made the decision to hire (and when)
* how we determined our budget
* the process of writing a job description and where we shared it
* how we narrowed down the field before conducting interviews
* one especially significant criterion that influenced our decision
* how we structured on-boarding for our new employee

Hiring your first employee is a scary step, but it's eventually an essential one if you want to scale and grow! What are your hiring fears— or if you've already successfully added to your team, what did that process look like for you? Grab a latte and let's chat over in Businessese HQ, our private Facebook group.

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Hiring and Growing Your Team with Shelli Warren
Delegate Like a Boss: Tips for Easier Outsourcing