Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

32: The GDPR and U.S. Based Businesses

April 18, 2018

Privacy has been a hot topic lately, and with good reason. While Facebook's use of user data has taken center stage, there's another important piece of privacy news influencers and businesses need to know about— and take action on, soon.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect on May 25, 2018, and non-compliance can carry sizable fees: up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million. Are you ready?

The GDPR is an European Union law that expands protection for an individual’s personal information by:

* placing more stringent requirements onto companies that possess personal data of EU data subjects
* giving these data subjects more control over how their personal information is collected, stored, and used.

Even if you are not located in the EU or specifically marketing to EU citizens, the GDPR's strict consent requirements have implications for U.S. based businesses. If you collect any sort of personal information through your website— think email addresses, Google Analytics, names on comments, IP addresses, etc.— you'll want to listen in on this week's episode of the Businesses Influencer Marketing Podcast. We provide an overview of what the GDPR entails, and what website owners need to do to become compliant.

In this episode you'll learn:

* how and why the GDPR applies to businesses in the United States
* exactly what is considered to be personal data, protected by the GDPR
* what businesses need to do for compliance, step by step
* how this new regulation affects businesses in the online marketing space
* about our downloadable GDPR Checklist for Influencers (which includes plugins to simplify the process).

It's a pretty sexy subject, so enjoy!

We're anticipating follow-up questions, so don't hesitate to share those with us in Businessese HQ. That's our private Facebook group for influencers and online entrepreneurs, and we'd love to have you join in.

And don't forget, if you need to purchase a privacy policy that has been updated for GDPR, you can get one in the Businessese store.


GDPR Checklist for Influencers
The EU public resource page for the General Data Protection Regulation