Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

16: Word of the Year: Reflecting on 2017, Ready for 2018

December 28, 2017

It's our last episode of the year! The perfect time to take a look back at 2017: what we've accomplished with our business, what didn't work out and why, and what lessons we can take away and apply to our goals for the fresh, new year ahead.

It probably will not surprise you to hear that here at Businessese, we take goal setting very seriously.

Further reading for fellow goal setting enthusiasts:

Goal Setting and Productivity for Profitability (podcast episode)
10 Lessons Learned During Our First Year of Business
Behind the Scenes: Online Business Owners Share Their Goals
Tips for Setting Goals for Your Blog

One way to simplify and solidify the goal setting (and goal meeting!) process is to designate a word for the year. It can be business related or personal, or encompass both.

Just one word to guide what we prioritize: when to say yes, when to say no; when to leap and when to retreat.

In this episode of the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast, we reflect on the past year and elaborate on the words we chose for 2017 as well as 2018. We also discuss:

* what word we chose as our company word of the year for 2018, and why
* how easy it is to become overwhelmed by growth, even as we are thankful for it
* facing fear, imposter syndrome, and analysis paralysis
* the value of slowing down
* our plans for 2018, including a BIG SCARY SECRET REVEAL!

Give us a listen and join in on the fun by clicking over to our private Facebook group, Businessese HQ. Let us know what YOU'VE chosen as your word of the year for 2018, and what you think about our big scary reveal!

Thanks so much for making 2017 an amazing year! We'll see you in 2018.

Lisa Lehmann designs
Overcoming Analysis Paralysis and Imposter Syndrome
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