Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

15: Ask Us Anything: Influencer Marketing Legal Q&A

December 21, 2017

When we began this podcast, we wanted to make sure we addressed the issues we typically see— and questions we're frequently asked— when it comes to influencer marketing and the legalities that surround it. Soon after launch, we did a series covering a broad range of legal topics that affect influencers:

6 common legal mistakes made in the influencer marketing world
Essential elements of influencer marketing contracts
Intellectual property: trademarks and copyright
Disclosure and the FTC

For this pre-holiday episode, we wanted to get a little more specific. We invited the members of our private Facebook group for influencers and online entrepreneurs, Businessese HQ, to ask us anything— any lingering questions they might have about the legalities of their online business that we hadn't addressed thus far.

As a result, we're really excited to bring you this week's episode of the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast! It's chock full of the timely questions and influencer marketing legal concerns that you wanted answered.

We drill down to the nitty gritty and talk about:

* the Facebook sponsored content tool and when influencers need to use it
* whether disclosures are necessary on old sponsored posts
* the extent you can be held liable for information and advice given in a Facebook group which is related to your business
* how different contract clauses impact what you can do with your content
* whether you are licensing your content to brands when you use certain hashtags
* what a cease and desist letter is, and when you might send one.

Bookmark these for further reading:
FTC Disclosures: How to Stay Compliant
How to License Your Content for Republication
How to Negotiate Exclusivity in Blogger Contracts
Intellectual Property: All about Copyright

Listen in and drop any more questions you have in Businessese HQ! We'd love to do more Ask Us Anything episodes.

Sites referenced:
Girl in Healing
Plano Moms
Food Blogger Pro