Business German Podcast
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Restarting my pod Business German - May 2022
Master Your GermanYou are a teacher of German in any country of the planet? You wish to study the German culture and history and more? My pod Business German gives you access to learn German Online 24/7 whenever at your own pace. Follow my Podcast and fo
Short Update only …
This is an add - on to my latest episode Restarting my Pod Business German.
Restarting my Podcast
My dear students of German,Please listen to this update dated Mon 11 April 2022 - for private reasons and the Covid situation worldwide I was not in the mood nor willing to update my Podcast Business German. For the following months I intend to publish a
VHS: Die Neue App Stadt - Land - Datenfluss
VHS: Die Neue App Stadt - Land - DatenflussGo to the website of VHS first and follow from there: App is about Data Literacy and designed in German, funded and published by the German Government.Target Group: German
Visit my new website Master Your German Das BMBF - Das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung Die Mediathek Bildung digital OPEN ACCES Der Goldene Weg Aus der Mediathek des BMBF:
The Anki Website
Zum Wortschatz Business German New today ... The decks of the Anki Website Register here first. One of the most known and effecte way of learning by heart and vocabulary as well is the Anki Website, an open source and free PLATFORM for d
The Anki Website
Zum Wortschatz Business German New today ... The decks of the Anki Website Register here first. One of the most known and effecte way of learning by heart and vocabulary as well is the Anki Website, an open source and free PLATFORM for digital Learn
The German Podcasts of the ship Mediapioneer One
Dear Learners of Business German, I have published an episode about podcasts before, here an extra one I listen to nearly every day. All the information you will need is available online, therefore not too much I have to add from my side ... p
Thurber Rewritten
This episode is about James Thurber and his fabel The Proper Gander and the present world situation and more. Thurber rewritten English and German version written by Peter H Bloecker, Burleigh QLD Australia Der tolle Ganter — James Thurber neu gedacht &am
smalltalk 3 - Redemittel
Visit first the website English with KIM - LINK and bookmark this site. Am Arbeitsplatz die Faehigkeit nachweisen, mit anderen Mitarbeitern klarzukommen / auch: zurechtzukommen / auch: auszukommen deinen Mitarbeiter gegenueber Interesse zeigen und verlaes