Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL100 Creating Employee Engagement

October 04, 2015

BCL100 Creating Employee Engagement
Simple ways of looking at communications strategy
Creating Powerful Employee Engagement is essential for businesses today, regardless of size and industry. Justin Roux explains how Employee Engagement makes a huge difference to your business, and why he thinks this is more true in B2B than B2C.
Luvata had a plan for what the company was going to become. They didn’t plan for a 400% rise in the price of copper and an unprecedented global recession.
The plan had to change, the strategy saw some modification and the timeline stretched, but they had distilled a core set of principles from the history of the company they had bought, and had taken time to get to know their people. Those two things took them through three periods – the beginnings, the recession and the regrowth.
Justin shares a lot of stories about how important Employee Engagement is to the success of any business.
Justin Roux, is SVP (Communications) at Luvata Group, also public speaker, former editor and international journalist and has spent ten years living on the fundamentals of communications that he learned from his previous roles. As for the rule book – it made great Origami paper!
This edition of Business Connections Live will be a valuable insight into the clarity and benefits of creating Employee Engagement.

On this edition of the Business Connections Live, Justin will explain:

3 commandments that will demystify communications
Success in communications IS measurable
The fun bits – the creative bells and whistles – are just icing on a disciplined and carefully baked cake
Why you don’t have to blow enormous sums of money to create a huge impact
Why you should stop confusing communication with broadcasting

Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:

Clarity in what the communications function is, and how it differs from, for example, marketing
Simple ways of looking at communications strategy
Insight into the measurement of communications success
Demystification of a function that is… “as is the summer cuckoo – oft heard yet rarely regarded”
Reassurance that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune!

For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
Twitter: @Justinroux
Justin Roux can also be found on LinkedIn

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