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Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL88 Top 5 Accounting Issues For SMEs

October 04, 2015

BCL88 Top 5 Accounting Issues For SMEs
Dont struggle with is staying on top of the financial side of business
Kasflow is one of the leading business accounting packages. On this edition of the programme we talk to James Griffin of IRIS Software about the Top 5 Accounting Issues for SMEs .
If you are about to embark on a new business venture then you will need to get to grips with the Top 5 Accounting Issues for SMEs. And there is something that you need to know; you are going to be extremely busy. As a small business owner you will have a million and one things to manage at any given time. These aspects of running a small business will range far and wide from controlling stock, marketing your brand, hiring the right people to creating and maintaining relationships with your customers. The bottom line is that you will a lot on your plate with all the factors that building a new business encompasses, but what a lot of small businesses really struggle with is staying on top of the financial side of their operations.On this edition of Business Connections Live James Griffin Director of Product Management for Iris Software Group will talk you through this minefield and present the solution.
CashflowTax&VATPayrollExpensesFinding the right accountant
James Griffin Director of Product Management for Iris Software Group
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