Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL155 How to be a Confident and Effective Public Speaker in Meetings

December 07, 2016

How to be a Confident and Effective Public Speaker in Meetings How to be a Confident and Effective Public Speaker in Meetings. Many people in business have the same challenge – a lack of confidence in some area of their working life – and it’s often linked to public speaking. Sometimes it’s because they have had a bad experience on one occasion which haunts them. They are conscious that they never had any training, or they’ve had bad feedback, they feel awkward or dry up when faced with questions. The results can be significant – some suffer anxiety for days before the presentation, others have sleepless nights, or procrastinate about preparing so it’s done in a rush and badly, staying up all night the night before. Alison Haill is an international executive coach and specialist in leadership communication. Alison uses her 30 years of knowledge, research and international experience to help, alongside her skills as an executive coach. First she works on mindset with practical techniques to build confidence and reduce fear. Then she shares models and techniques for crafting interesting content and finally she works with you on delivery because however confident you are, you will quickly lose the audience’s attention if you lack delivery skills or “presence”. This edition of Business Connections Live will be a valuable insight into how to transform your public speaking and also use the tools to boost confidence in other challenging situations in work and life. On this edition of Business Connections Live, Alison will explain: How to change your mindset from negative thinking to positive How to boost the S-Factor in your thinking How to reduce or eliminate fears How to build engaging content so your audience wants to listen How to make a positive impact before you even start speaking How to speak well Learn the business fundamentals on how your business will benefit: You’ll feel and look more confident You’ll save time in preparation and sleep better You’ll make an impact and influence others You’ll gain respect You’ll know how to manage fears and boost confidence in other situations that may arise You will feel happier You are more likely to be promoted For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media. Website: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Contact Business Connections Live The UK’s Leading Online Business Channel: Visit our Website Follow us on Twitter for the latest news Live Shows on Youtube Mondays Mid-day GMT Follow us on our Google+ page Follow us on our Facebook page You can Email the studio here We are always looking for Industry experts…