Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL151 Why Is Your Marketing Not Getting Results

October 11, 2016

Why Is Your Marketing Not Getting Results Why Is Your Marketing Not Getting Results.  “I have tried Marketing, and it doesn’t work”. It’s a sentence that is heard time and time again (if I was given £1 for every time, I’d be a very rich lady!). Marketing is the Lifeblood of EVERY business, large or small, and this cannot be ignored if a small business wants to succeed, and meet their growth ambitions. Let’s face it, many small businesses fail in the early years; and a lack of successful Marketing is often a leading contributing factor. “Why is your Marketing Not Working” will explain the fundamental areas that small businesses get wrong; so that with the core strategies and techniques we discuss, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs can start to promote their business with confidence – knowing that they are not wasting their time, their money and their very precious resource. On this edition of Business Connections Live our guest is Victoria Vickery, the Founder and Managing Director of All Star Marketing Club: Where Small Businesses Learn Marketing. On this edition of Business Connections Live, Victoria will explain: • The fundamental mistakes that Small Businesses make with Marketing • How to simply fix those mistakes • The Key Strategies you need in place right now • Why Buyer Psychology is so important, and how to navigate it • How to spend your time and money to make the most impact Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can: • Create a solid foundation for your business and who you sell to • Make impactful changes to your existing marketing efforts • Carry out your Marketing activity with increased confidence and success • Make better decisions on your business as a whole, and where you place their Marketing resource, money and time. For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media. Website: Twitter: @GetAllStar Facebook: LinkedIn: Free Material: Contact Business Connections Live The UK’s Leading Online Business Channel: Visit our Website Follow us on Twitter for the latest news Live Shows on Youtube Mondays Mid-day GMT Follow us on our Google+ page Follow us on our Facebook page You can Email the studio here We are always looking for Industry experts…