Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL144 Social Media Opportunities for Businesses in 2016

August 22, 2016

Social Media Opportunities for Businesses in 2016 Social Media Opportunities for Businesses in 2016. A highlight of trends and opportunities business owners and marketers need to be aware of in 2016 from a self-confessed Social Media addict who has personally built a trusted network of clients and fans ready to refer and recommend, On this edition of Business Connections Live our guest is Mark Tillison, founder and MD of Tillison Consulting, a Digital Agency that works with businesses to significantly increase online sales and inbound leads using digital media – SEO, Pay per Click and Social Media. On this edition of Business Connections Live, Mark will explain: Opportunities and changes to the primary platforms; Facebook, Twitter and others  Emerging platforms to be aware of The changes in behaviour and expectations of your customers on Social Media Tips for success in 2016 Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve: Reach more potential customers through Social Media More social interaction and engagement Greater trust in your brand which creates more recommendations and referrals Increased website traffic from Social platforms For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media. Website: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Contact Business Connections Live The UK’s Leading Online Business Channel: Visit our Website Follow us on Twitter for the latest news Live Shows on Youtube Mondays Mid-day GMT Follow us on our Google+ page Follow us on our Facebook page You can Email the studio here We are always looking for Industry experts…