Building With BuildHer

Building With BuildHer

What the Feck is Cladding???

October 18, 2021

What in the world is cladding?? 

In short, it’s the outside of the building and keeps the weather out. BUT it also creates the whole look and feel of your home or project so it’s essential that you choose the correct style and material. 

When deciding on the best cladding for your house there are a few different options that you need to consider. In this episode, Rebeka runs you through all of the different materials, styles and textures. We explore both lightweight and heavyweight cladding and the benefits of both. 

Your choice will make an impact on the cost of your build. So, you must consider the cost of each material and the cost of the labour to install it to make an informed decision that’s still in alignment with the theme you’ve chosen. 

Often you may love it or hate it! Cladding is the first thing we see when we look at a building so it plays such a vital role in setting the whole tone of the structure. These materials may be facing the strength of the sun all day, so Rebeka will run you through the best products and how to use them so they have longevity and weather the way you visualize. 

Do some homework! When choosing a cladding, go and look at a tonne of buildings to gather a pool of ideas and photos. You’ll be able to find the perfect look and feel for your project, so all you have to do is follow these steps to decide everything else!