Building With BuildHer

Building With BuildHer

Hot House Cold House - The Lowdown on Heating & Cooling!

October 11, 2021

Hot house vs cold house - this can be such a heated topic (pun intended!) in so many houses because we all have competing comfort levels. Thermal comfort is a very personal preference, so your heating and cooling system must have the ability to perform throughout every season. 

In today’s episode we’re talking about all things hot and cold. We’ll fill you in on the different factors responsible for heating and cooling your home and give you plenty of super ideas to explore your thermal options. To wrap everything up we will give you the four most important topics you really need to think about when you’re chatting with your heating and cooling contractor. 

Thermal comfort has such a huge impact on your home but you don’t notice it until it’s not working. Whether you’re renovating your home or building a new one, if heating and cooling is considered from a very early stage it can be integrated seamlessly into your design and you can save yourself a ton of money with a better energy rating. 

So if you’re planning your next renovation or build, make sure you listen closely and write these four topics down to make sure you (and everyone else!) feel amazingly comfortable at optimal temperatures all year round.