A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast

Latest Episodes

A Buddhist Podcast - Part 3 of Chapter 2 Expedient Means and Earthly Desires
April 15, 2006

We have reversed the running order of the show tonight, study first, music, experience, question and answers! The study is the 3rd lecture in a series on the Hoben Pon or the 2nd Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. We hope you enjoy it. More music from the Podsaf

Finally - A Buddhist Podcast Promo
April 11, 2006

Finally, we have produced a promo! Let us know what you think. Thank you so much for subscribing to the show! Enjoy the rest of this week. Update on Lizzie Obard from John Marder, "Lizzie woke up this afternoon. She has been looking at people and see

A Buddhist Podcast - Karen gets her own mic for Part 2 Chapter 2 Lotus Sutra
April 02, 2006

Karen has her own microphone! Questions on Men and Women, differences between Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism and other forms of Buddhism and is chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo a meditation? The lecture/study talk is on the second page of Gongyo, the second pa

A Buddhist Podcast - Chap 2, Lotus Sutra
March 18, 2006

Questions, questions! Tonights lecture is on the first page of Gongyo, the first part of Chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra, "At that time...". This was enjoyable to put together. We close the show with great music from Matthew Ebel, "I know you're there", fro

A Buddhist Podcast - Q&A and Chapter 1 of the Lotus Sutra
March 05, 2006

Tonight we have changed the format slightly and have a Q&A on some Buddhist basics, an experience and as a short lecture on Chapter 1 of the Lotus Sutra. We finish the show with great music from Geoff Smith, "Not on the radio", from the Podshow. If you li

A Buddhist Podcast
February 18, 2006

A Buddhist Podcast - Introduction to the Lotus Sutra. This is an introductory lecture to the essence of the Buddha's teaching, the Lotus Sutra.

New Years Gosho
January 01, 2006

Finally, after 13 misfires, 14th time lucky, overcoming seven kinds of Sansho Shima, the one with the New Years Gosho is out and up there! Happy New Year to everyone!

A Buddhist Podcast : The Action Man Lecture
December 04, 2005

Finally here the lecture I gave in Hospital which was recorded and played to the members the next night with an action man taking the microphone

A Buddhist Podcast
November 27, 2005

Here is my notes on the Gosho, The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood Podshow PDN {podshow-d58633bd2f685d0c214a809169dc3271}