A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast - Correct Teaching

September 01, 2006

Tonights show returns with a talk on the correct teaching and includes:

   1. 3 Proofs

   2. If you wish to free yourself...

   3. How do I percieve the mystic Truth

   4. T'ien T'ai

   5. Potted early history of Nichiren Daishonin

   6. Meaning of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

   7. Our mission should we choose to accept it...

Karens voice gets better and better. More shoutouts. Happy Birthday to
Dash. Congratulations to Rosie Miles! Great Question - Do you have to
be a vegetarian to practice Buddhism? (I hope not...or I am in trouble)

Music from tonights show comes from the Podsafe Music Network at music.podshow.com. We play Adrina Thorpe's amazing song is called Fly Fly Fly and we also played, the acoustic version of See the Sun from Black Lab

Have a wonderful week!