A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast - Lotus Sutra Ch2 Part 5 Immeasurable Mercy and Earth Charter

May 14, 2006

The moment I got back tonight from the SGI-UK Mens Division Leaders Course in Coventry and Karen said, OK! Lets do the podcast!
So...tonights show includes:

  1. Lecture on Part 5 on the Hopen Pon or Chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra, covering a refresher on what we have done so far, immeasurable mercy, unlimited eloquence and fearlessness;
  2. Music from Jimmy Golding's album, Be Good, Be Bad, Be Mine. The songs we play tonight are excellent! Big Hearted Man and Can't Stop The Rain, from the Podsafe Music Network at music.podshow.com;
  3. Karen talks Earth Charter and President Ikedas childrens books

As usual you can send us feedback or comments to us at
 jason@thejarretts.com or karen@thejarretts.com

Have a great week!