A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast - Lotus Sutra Ch2 Part 7 - The True Entity of all Phenomena

June 30, 2006

So tonight we are back with our lectures on Chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra. This show is about the most important part of Chapter 2, one of the most important parts of the Lotus Sutra, and includes:
1. A summary of everything we have talked about so far, and;
2. The true entity of all phenomena;
3. The ten factors;
4. The Gohonzon within us;
5. Bathtubs and apples!
Then we play some great music by Rebecca Haviland and the track is called What are you?
We hear an incredible experience from Akenabah Begay, from the Navojo tribe of North America and the shout outs to everyone who wrote to us! And we can't forget the Latino SGI event in Northern California on September 10th 2006 in San Francisco!
The show closes out with Goodbye Southern Skies from David McMilllin
DonÃïït forget, if you have an experience or feedback or just want to say hello, drop us a line at jason@thejarretts.com or karen@thejarretts.com. Thank you to everyone that writes an email or puts a comment on a website or ITunes, it is so encouraging to hear from you!
Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement. Have a truly fantastic Have a great week!