Bristlecone Firesides

Bristlecone Firesides

Latest Episodes

27: Wielding the Two-Edged Sword of Science and Activism w/ Isabella Errigo
August 18, 2022

Isabella Errigo is a grad student at Brigham Young University studying the effects of mega-fires on aquatic ecosystems. She joins Abbey and Madison around the fireside to talk about science, activism,

26: Dog Days of Summer: Abbey’s Return!
August 04, 2022

The post 26: Dog Days of Summer: Abbeys Return! appeared first on Bristlecone Firesides.

25: The Present and Future of Mormon Earth Stewardship w/ Anna Thurston
July 07, 2022

Faith-based Earth stewardship in Utah may be undergoing a transition. The last few decades have been spent focusing on asking what our tradition has to say about how we can make it through the growing

24: The Spiritual Value of Protecting Wild Utah
June 21, 2022

In this episode, Terri tells us about the spiritual and ecological value of Utahs wilderness and what she has learned over the decades of working with SUWA and other organizations that defend sacred

23: Jesus and the Desert Wild
April 21, 2022

When put back into his historical context, Jesus becomes a radical and wild figure. In modern times, Jesus has been overly domesticated and stripped of his color, culture, and humanity. Brother James

22: Queerness and the Wild Earth
April 07, 2022

Within the Latter-day Saint community, Queerness is the issue of the times. How both the institution and the community respond to the question of Queerness will largely determine the trajectory and su

21: A Wild Sabbath and the Passing of the World
March 24, 2022

Sacrificing all things ahead of time and living a life of non-attachment might be the only way to truly lay hold of every good thing.

20: How Wild Spaces Shape Us with Rick Turley
March 10, 2022

The post 20: How Wild Spaces Shape Us with Rick Turley appeared first on Bristlecone Firesides.

19: The Allegory of the Olive Tree and the Saving Power of Wild Things
February 24, 2022

The Allegory of the Olive Tree, found in Jacob 5 in The Book of Mormon, tells the story of an olive tree that became sick and lost its goodness. The Lord of the Vineyard, an allegorical stand-in for G

18: Raising Wild Children
February 17, 2022

Joining the Fireside today are Andy and Shawn Howell, the adventurous husband and wife duo who have taken seriously the joy of the natural world. Both as a couple and as individuals they are climbers,