Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Latest Episodes

Budget Special 2: to austerity and beyond...
June 23, 2015

Head of Research, Guy Foster, is joined by Samuel Toombs of Capital economics and Iain Andrews of Cicero Group to discuss the political and economic background to the forthcoming UK budget.

China in an Age of Empires
June 18, 2015

This week Guy Foster is joined by Louis Gave, Founding Partner and CEO of Gavekal Dragonomics to discuss all things China.

Harrison Topping UK Charts
June 11, 2015

On this week’s podcast the focus is the UK stock market with special guest Columbia Threadneedle’s Head of Equities, and star fund manager of the UK Equity Income fund, Leigh Harrison.

The Prod(uctivity)cast
June 04, 2015

In the wake of a fascinating week for markets, characterised by sharp falls in bonds, Head of Research, Guy Foster is joined by Jonathan Wilmott, Head of Macro at Credit Suisse Asset Management.

PIMCO & the Great Rate Debate
May 28, 2015

This week Mike Amey, Head of Sterling Portfolios at PIMCO, discusses the latest developments at the world’s major central banks.

The Future is Small
May 21, 2015

In an increasingly challenging financial environment are smaller companies well placed to outperform? In this podcast award winning fund manager, Gervais Williams, argues the case.

Hairy, scary and quite contrary…investing with Alistair Mundy
May 14, 2015

A must listen! The team discuss contrarian investment views with Alistair Mundy from Investec.

Re-sitting Stephanomics
May 11, 2015

Stephanie Flanders returns and joins the team to discuss the big issues facing the UK and world economy post UK election.

Majority Division
May 07, 2015

The team discuss the market’s reaction to the unexpected Conservative majority election win and prospects for the future with Neptune’s Chief Economist James Dowey.

A message from Omaha…
May 05, 2015

Guy Foster brings a report from Omaha, Nebraska where he attended the 50th annual general meeting of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.