Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

A message from Omaha…

May 05, 2015

Guy Foster, Head of Research at Brewin Dolphin spent his bank holiday weekend hot-footing it from the Brewin Investment Conference in Edinburgh to Omaha, Nebraska in time to catch the 50th annual general meeting of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

The inauspicious sounding meeting draws crowds that most premier league football clubs would be lucky to attract as it offers the opportunity for 40,000 common stock holders to quiz the company’s management and has now become known as Woodstock for Capitalists.  

Delivering a mixture of entertainment and insight Berkshire Hathaway’s investment legends, Warren Buffett (84) and his right hand man Charlie Munger (91) face questions from journalists, analysts and ordinary shareholders over six hours.  What is clear is that despite their advanced years these two individuals could well be the sharpest people in a room which contains Bill Gates, Bill Ackmann and more than 39,000 other people.

This week’s podcast reveals Guy’s thoughts as he and his companion John (an equity analyst) deliver emerge from the meeting.  Hot topics for investors were succession planning, the ethics of partnering with 3G Capital Partners, the advanced level of equity valuations, and the outlook for sugary foods.

Please review the podcast on iTunes and if you have any particular requests for topics to be covered then please post them on our website or on Twitter using the tag #BrewinPodcast



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