Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Wade’s World

April 09, 2015

Brewin Dolphin’s Head of Research, Guy Foster, discusses this week’s economic news with Keith Wade, Chief Economist at Schroders Asset Management at a time when some of the world’s biggest economies are pursuing some of the world’s most unconventional monetary policies. 

The yen seems to have found a floor and even the euro found a modicum of stability over recent weeks despite ten year bund yields falling below 0.14% and the Swiss borrowing money for ten years at a negative interest rate.  Is the Eurozone economy weak enough to justify the ECB continuing its purchases for the next 18 months?  Will it be able to do so as bonds remain in such short supply? What will be the impact if it does? 

Looking at the Eurozone and Japan we discuss what impact QE has on the economy and what impact the broader measures encapsulated within Abenomics operate.  Predominantly this is the exchange rate which has turned Japan from a very expensive, to a very cheap, currency.


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