Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Housing benefits? The UK residential property market

April 01, 2015

Following our podcast a fortnight ago on commercial property Brewin Dolphin’s Head of Fund Research, Ben Gutteridge and Head of Research, Guy Foster turn their attention to Residential Property. This week’s special guest is Savill’s Neal Hudson.

We discuss the impact of national and international factors on the residential property market.  House prices have maintained their course despite the turbulence that could have come from Russian sanctions, the collapsing oil price and the slowing Chinese economy. However, transactions at home will remain tepid ahead of the election and issues such as mansion taxes.

Parties have announced some of their key policies on housing and Neal - who contributed to the Lyons Housing Review - discusses the challenges of boosting supply rather than simply demand.

Neal Hudson writes fortnightly notes on the residential property market for the Savills website which also features a host of other resources. You can also follow Neal on twitter @resi_analyst. 


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