Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Budget Special

March 17, 2015

Guy Foster, Head of Research discusses the impact of the budget on economies and individuals with Simon Blowey, Divisional Director of Financial Planning and James Dowey, Neptune’s Chief Economist.  

The budget of “no giveaways and no gimmicks†ended up being a little underwhelming. Certainly there were no giveaways although we would probably be a little naïve to describe it had no gimmicks.

In this podcast we discuss the three mains areas of interest.


Where further liberalisation had been preannounced but we discuss the further reduction in the life time allowance, the conspicuous absence of further restriction on the annual contribution limit and the implications of existing annuity holders ability to cash in new ISAs.


Where in the names of simplification the stable of tax-free savings vehicles has exploded into a menagerie of new vehicles for every eventuality. Added to which a new windfall for savers comes in the form of some tax-free interest. How much of a windfall is this in practise?

Inheritance tax

Where a completely unexpected sideswipe at the humble deed of variation was announced but a surprising absence of measures to shelter the family home from death duty. Is this the final word on the subject or an opportunity to lay a platform for policies which can be better discussed in the election manifesto?


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