Breathe Love & Magic

Breathe Love & Magic

Bio Energy Healing: The Remarkable Soul Intelligence Method

June 30, 2023

What is Bio Energy Healing? Discover how to clear the stuck emotions, energy and trauma from the body and move on in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast with my guest, Kristine Glein, founder of the Soul Intelligence Method.

What Is a Bio Energy Healing?

First, bio energetics is the correlation between physical wellness and mental and emotional wellness. If you’re physically feeling well, typically you are doing well mentally and emotionally and if you’re having trouble mentally and emotionally, often physical symptoms eventually pop up.

This is the gist of what bio energy healing is all about. A bio energetic hack is about working around to shift things that are stuck and that’s what the Soul Intelligence Method is all about.

Personally, when I think of this process, it’s a form of energetic clearing, working on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies.

Everything and everyone is energy, so to be healthy and whole you need to shift out trapped energy. Energy that is not in motion is stuck emotion and that’s why people often hold trauma in the body.

What Started Her on the Path?

I asked Kristine how she got started with creating the Soul Intelligence Method. She had a spiritual awakening while working in her corporate job. Her doctor told her she needed a biopsy and her appointment was six weeks away. After hearing this news, Kristine went to every kind of energetic healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, she could find.

Basically the advice she received was she needed to embrace her divine feminine energy. What does that mean?

Kristine had been in corporate America most of her life, grew up around men, and lived by the idea that there’s no crying in baseball. To her, that meant being feminine was weak.

Embrace the Divine Feminine

soul intelligenceWhat would embracing her divine feminine look like? Should she wear dresses or dance?

Instead of being a human doing, she learned to be a human being – going within. Tapping into and embracing that creative potential. She started to research powerful female figures and Goddess like Sekhmet, Isis, Kali Ma and Lilith.

These are badass females from history and myth – that’s what it means to be a fierce female. Being feminine isn’t weak, it can be empowering if you embrace it.

During the six weeks from when she heard the diagnosis and when she had to get the biopsy, she did all this work to heal and connect with her feminine side. And when she got the biopsy back, the doctor told her the cancer was gone.

Was it the biopsy that removed it all or the spiritual work she did? Hard to say – probably both.

The Work She Is Meant to Do

The next thing that happened on March 12, 2020, was she got a call from the head of HR, telling her that her services were no longer needed. Yet, Kristine had just gotten a performance bonus and things were gong so well. How could this be?

She was in shock and had never been fired before in her life. She always focused on being an over-achiever. But the divine said, “No, you’re being plucked out of the corporate world to do the work you are meant to do.”

Now she had several trips already planned to Phoenix for her job and had signed up for retreats in Sedona. She had a lot of time to pray, meditate, and be in sacred energy, to get clear on her next steps.

Several years ago she learned an energetic clearing technique called Spiritual Response Therapy. Kristine built upon this to create the Soul Intelligence Method. Initially, she used this only for herself.

The process is like an advanced form of prayer where you set up sacred space, connect with the divine, and you ask to shift what is in someone’s best and highest good.

Glein uses charts to figure out what is getting in the way like repetitive thoughts or trauma, bringing stuff up from the sub and super conscious mind to be released.

Opening the Door

Kristine GleinNext, she got brave and decided to tell her functional medicine doctor what she was up to and offered to do a session on her. She was busy, but her colleague, the chiropractor, was free so they worked together.

When almost done the doctor came into the room asking how it was going. She saw her colleague in tears and realized something powerful was being released and said, “I’m next!” It was game on from there and Kristine’s business was born.

Kristine ended up doing work with everyone in that office, then their families, with referrals and more. It snowballed and grew.

At the same time, Kristine was doing private leadership coaching with companies and slowly started to bring the Soul Intelligence Method in that part of her work as well.

One of her clients had such great results he wanted to bring her on full time with his company, making nutritional supplements.

Thrilling Client Results

I’ve been in Kristine’s program learning her Soul Intelligence Method and it’s been an amazing experience. Once I started to rely on my intuition while following the protocol, it all came together


Kristine and I shared some pretty amazing client success stories. The first story was about my client, Mona, who had been divorced for 2 years, but still had this idea that somehow they could become friends.

It was very difficult for her and she had tried a lot of things to heal from yoga, to coaching, to therapy, the energy healing and more. She came to me and asked if she could release any relationships that no longer served her.

I wasn’t sure it would work and I did the session, she said thank you and that was it. The next day she woke up and called me and told me how she no longer felt that pull to connect with him and felt free.

A couple weeks later Mona called again to say that so much good was coming into her life, it was amazing. I was very excited. Now, she must have been ready to let this go and she sure did.

Functional Medicine Doctor

Kristine likes to work with functional medicine doctors who need this healing work. First, they often don’t take care of themselves, but also she wants them to see what their clients will experience when they get a session.

This one doctor had pain in her foot which is about standing in her power and moving forward. She related this to a lawsuit going on with contractors working on her home. She also had a cold that she could not shake and she’s a doctor!

The next day she texted Kristine that her pain was gone and so was the cold!

Patients who work with functional medicine doctors often have chronic issues. Things that keep coming back or new  symptoms that crop up. This process is great for this kind of thing because we can dig up the root cause.


Kristine Glein

One last story about my client Donna. Donna had moved out west to live the outdoor lifestyle. Trouble was she kept getting the jobs that totally drained her. So she’d work, exercise and then lie on the couch reading a book.

She just couldn’t get off that couch to make new friends or get outdoors the way she had originally planned. Donna could not move forward.

We did three sessions and worked on a variety of things. A few weeks later I spoke with her and she told me she was going on a 5 mile hike with a group that day and a canoe trip with a group from! What?

That was an incredible shift for Donna! She was outdoors, socializing, living her life and I was thrilled.

Kristine and I shared another couple of awesome client stories which you can hear when you listen to the podcast.

If you’d like to learn more about the Soul Intelligence method, visit There’s a free masterclass as well on that site abut the method that you can sign up to view.

BIO – Kristine Glein

Soul intelligenceKristine is a Conscious Leadership Executive who is focused on transforming individuals and teams into game changing leaders. Her work results in increased performance, consistency and alignment, so they can make a greater impact on their clients, coworkers, colleagues and employees.

She currently serves Chief Growth Officer for Nutritional Frontiers, a leading nutraceutical company. Kristine is also the founder of Soul Intelligence and energetic alignment system founded in the science of bio energetics.

Kristine has a Masters Degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix, is an ICA Certified Professional Coach and lives in Tampa, Florida.

The post Bio Energy Healing: The Remarkable Soul Intelligence Method appeared first on Intuitive Edge.