Borough Talks
Borough Talks: Is Cooking a Lost Art?
'Is Cooking a Lost Art?' was the first debate in the Borough Talks series, held at Borough Market on 30th June 2015.
Does anyone actually cook properly, or do we just watch food programmes and talk about cooking? This lively debate got to the crux of the matter and established whether we’re becoming a nation of culinary voyeurs. Is the art of cooking becoming theory rather than practice? How far has the British food revolution really come?
The panel consisted of :
Sybil Kapoor: chef, and award-winning food writer
Bee Wilson: food writer, historian, and author of four books including Consider the Fork
Rosie Birkett: stylist, food writer, presenter and author of A lot on her Plate
Stephanie Wood: founder and director of School Food Matters, a charity supporting food education
Sarit Packer: chef, author and co founder of middle eastern restaurant Honey and Co
Listen up and find out what happened on the night.