Bri Books

Bri Books

3.12 - "Garden-Fresh Cooking" Feat. @ABeautifulNestTV

December 26, 2017

 If you’re interested in going in-depth on how I create this podcast, I'm sharing all of my tips, secrets and resources! All in the Bri Books Podcast Newsletter.   Today’s episode features @abeautifulnestTV, talking all about the book “Garden Fresh Cooking” by Judith Benn Hurley, and it’ll leave you longing for summertime! We’re infusing harvest-time healthy foods into our holiday menus. 1:40 - About @abeautifulnestTV - Sandria’s YouTube channel focuses on building strong relationships, growing as a family, ecohing truth and knowledge and teaching folks to love unconditionally. “Our YouTube channel is a family lifestyle channel. We focus on faith, family, inspiration and life. We believe in making a house a home. I love making a house a home. I want to infuse love and beauty in everything i do. I try to make sure that comes across in our videos. 8:25 - Sandria on authenticity in her videos: “People need to be able to relate to the real life things.” 9:25 - Sandria’s Soil Story: “I come from a long line of gardeners and farmers.” 10:04 - Why Sandria set down roots in the Georgia country: “Where we moved and decided to purchase land was a decision we wanted to make for our children.” 10:25 - Sandria’s health story: “When it came to growing our own food, over the years, unfortunately, i’ve experienced a lot of death in my family.” 11:30 - How Sandria and her husband planned their garden 13:45 - Brionna’s grandmother story: “My dad’s mother is originally from Mississippi, and moved to St. Louis as a young woman. She always said she wanted her yard to look like the country. She grew tall beautiful sunflowers. She grew her own onions and garlic, tomatoes, potatoes. Of course, she went to the grocery store, but knowing that food was accessible and there’s a process by which food is created you can be part of the process, was buried deep in me.” 15:00 - Grandmothers inspire us to pass on traditions for generations. 16:10 - The crops Sandria didn’t expect to love, and the easiest for you to grow! 16:20 - Coolest crop: Dinosaur kale. Easiest/ beautiful: Okra. Low maintenance: Green beans. 19:47 - How Sandria’s cooking style has changed since growing her own food. 20:45 - Sandria: “When you start eating more whole food, you start figuring out and planning out menu based off what you grow.” 21:15 Sandria’s husband and son shed 40 lbs after taking on a plant-based diet. “Everyone in the house was like, ‘I feel so much better, I feel so good. It was an amazing transformation. I’ve seen a complete turnaround with the way I prepare food and how I plan our meals.” 22:12 - Sandria has been a meat-eater her entire life, and transitioning hasn’t been easy, but she and her family are feeling better. 23:55 - “When you transition from eat to a plant-based or vegan diet, it should be something you want to do.” 26:40 - Sandria on Rodale’s: I’ve been reading Rodale’s Organic Life for a long time, and I really enjoy it. I love that they have so many different topics for you to dig into--food, gardening, lifestyle. Everything's right there for you. It’s a great site. If you’re reading the recipe book, I know that’s amazing.” 27:25  - Sandria’s #brit books: “  Lemony Snicket” with her sons, “Better Homes and Gardens,” “Georgia Gardens.” 30:40 - Find Sandria  on YouTube @abeautifulnestTV, on Instagram @abeautifunlest, Facebook @ABeautifulNest, and Twitter @abeautifulnest.