Episodes | The Blog You Want In The Time You Have™

Episodes | The Blog You Want In The Time You Have™

#49 – Blog You Want update with Scott

March 08, 2020

In this episode, Scott Winterroth provides an update on some strategies and experiments he has been testing over the last couple of months. Plus, he shares some ideas for how things are going to go down in the future on this podcast. You guessed it, it's going to be awesome and stay tuned! Mentioned in this episode: * Digital Acquisition Cycle for Content Creators* Bohemian Trixie (Heather's Instagram)* Descript App for Podcasts* Content Academy* WordSpaces WordPress Hosting* Strategy Head Book Club BYW Update #49 Transcript (Some editing was done to make it readable) Hello Everyone! It's Scott Winterroth, and this is episode number 49 of the Blog You Want in the Time You Have Podcast, and this is a little bit of unscripted episode. I am just going to sit down and talk about where I've been the last, you know, almost six months now. It's been quite a ride, sort of fun and I've learned a lot. I've had a lot of experiments, and I've also had some setbacks. Nothing crazy, no personal setbacks, just, business setbacks. Last September, I launched my first book called the Digital Acquisition Cycle for Content Creators. Wow, it's been an amazing experience and lots of sort of failed learning successes. I launched a book and, it's self-published, so I didn't work with a publisher or anything like that. I did it all myself. I mean, I worked with an editor, but in the day it was all done through me. And, It's been an interesting experience. I can't say it's been a boon for my business, per se, but it has been a great, for a couple of reasons. One, I didn't sell, I haven't really sold that many books on Amazon, not enough to make it a return on my investment. In fact, barely any. And I know that's an entire strategy on its own. So I've been spending time trying to figure out how to optimize Amazon and how to. Build visibility and Amazon. I do know that having just one book and being your first book, it's, it's a hard thing. Usually, the people who are killing it in Amazon have several different books or have multiple books and they also create books that sort of reach people, through like almost like SEO or search strategy. So I don't have that. I created a book that I think provides tons of value for people, and that's why I put it on Amazon to help share it with the world. What has been really helpful for me is that I've been doing a series of sort of workshops and presentations, and I bring the book to the presentations and I've sold a few at my events, which is great. I've also, Given several away to clients and to people who I think will find value in it, which that, of course, is one way to help build marketing because obviously, I'm asking these people to give a, give it to a friend if they think it's as a value. I realized it's going to take time, like any content endeavor, you can't start a blog and expect it to be a hit overnight. Along with trying to figure out this whole book world. My wife and I are really trying to figure out Instagram right now. Heather, my wife, shout out to her.