Black Healing Matters

Black Healing Matters

Latest Episodes

Ep120: 5 things to Unlearn to Learn African History
April 24, 2018

On this segments of #knowthyhistoryTuesday, we dive into 5 things you need to definitely unlearn in order to learn African history. These have been some helpful guiding principles in my journey and studying African history. Hopefully, they will be of assi

Ep119: Shifting from Codependent to Independent
April 23, 2018

this #MindsetMonday gets into and Insidious habit of thinking found in our community all-too-often of being codependent or even dependent instead of independent. add your two cents by calling in or leaving an email at . As al

Ep117: Akon Serves Game on the Marketing of Africa
April 20, 2018

Ever wonder why everyone wants to go to the USA? This #FinanceFriday Akon speaks to all the 'conscious' content creators in regards to the deep importance of marketing to Africa and African people of the diaspora(Especially the US). This is so crucial, yo

Ep116: What's Rapper AKON Up To These Days?
April 19, 2018

Today's #DoingTheRightThingsThursday episode is all about the international superstar turned business mogul, Akon. Don't sleep on him! Source: As always, stay blessed. #BlackHealingMatter

Ep115: What That Melanin Do?
April 18, 2018

Ever wondered what all melanin can actually do? If you thought that melanin was only the brown-ness of our skin, you owe it to yourself to really listen to today's #WelcomeWellnessWednesday episode. Check out the rest of this enlightening video on youtube

Ep114: Queen Aminatu of Zaria Empire
April 17, 2018

This #KnowThyHistoryTuesday is all about another powerful African warrior queen, Aminatu aka Amina of the Zaria/ Zazzou kingdom of Nigeria. Source: As always, stay blessed. #BlackHealing

Ep113: AfFORMations Building Our Self-Worth
April 16, 2018

This first installment of #mindsetMonday is the brainchild of our loyal listener Edwin from the Wake Up Learn podcast. he expressed that we as a community must learn to embrace our intrinsic value. this episode offers a special technique to help us do jus

Ep111: Should You Invest in Africa? 4 Reasons Why.
April 13, 2018

This #FinanceFriday is a direct response to the call-in from our loyal listener D Wynn from the D Souls Productions show. He had a very valid and welcomed point of view that we as Black people need to be more about action than talk in regards to investmen

Ep110: African Empowerer Mallence Bart-Williams
April 12, 2018

#DoingTheRighthingsThursday today highlights a rockstar in the world of African empowerment. Mallence Bart-Williams is a Sierra Leonean – German multi-facetted social entrepreneur: Publishing, film, fashion, Ayurveda, writing and philanthropy are among