Birth Mother Matters in Adoption

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Season 2 Ep. 114 , Birth Control P. 1 of 2

October 06, 2020

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Podcast Season 2 Ep. 114 Birth Control P. 1 of 2

Birth control continues to be a topic that many are still uncomfortable speaking about.  Due to the rating of this podcast, we will be using very general language, please note that this episode may contain language not suitable for children.  Since this podcast is about adoption- the precursor is pregnancy and the precursor to pregnancy is a lack of or ineffective birth control, therefore we feel this is a topic that we must address.

Women who place a baby for adoption may return to our adoption agency to place a second baby or maybe even a third. 

The most commonly asked question is how and why does that occur?

The best answer to this: a lack of birth control or ineffective birth control due to inaccurate usage or damaged/expired birth control methods.  When I speak with women who come to our agency to place a baby for adoption, we speak about their pregnancy and this conversation takes place whether it is their first adoption with us or their 3rd.  These are the answers I receive when I asked them how they became pregnant:
“Didn’t use birth control.”“I forgot to get my shot.”“I wanted to have kids.”“I thought I couldn’t get pregnant.”“I had my tubes tied.”“He told me he couldn’t have kids.”“We have never had to use birth control before.”“I thought he was going to take care of it.”“I have no idea.”