Birth Mother Matters in Adoption

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Episode#76: Parenting a Child Adopted at Birth

May 12, 2020

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Episode#76: Parenting a Child  Adopted at Birth

There are some variables that may impact and affect the way a parent “parents” a child:
Gender of the childParental relationship with their own parents (adopted child’s grandparents) and the parenting they, themselves were reared inA parent’s own temperament, their level of educational, culture, socioeconomic status and the influence of their spouseA parent’s personal life experiences, their employment or lack of employment or maybe mistakes they have made or have been impacted bySocial Media, Outside Perceptions and previous experience
There are so many similarities to parenting a biological child in comparison to parenting an adopted child.  Here are five to start with:
Parental love should be unconditionalChoose your core values
FamilyRight vs. WrongRespectSelf-disciplineEmpathy/Compassion/ SympathyGenerosityConsistency is keyPracticing what you preachPrioritization
Parenting an adopted child, does not need to be viewed as tricky, touchy or complicated.  It should be viewed as adding in some extra layers to secure a solid parent-child relationship.  The most important aspect of parenting an adopted child, in my opinion is to ensure: unconditional love, unconditional acceptance, unconditional forgiveness, permanence and stability.