The Birth Ease Podcast

The Birth Ease Podcast

038 Navigating Parenthood the L.O.V.V.E. Way with Natasha Solovieff

May 20, 2020

Are you finding yourself feeling overwhelmed or irritable with those you love due to the stress of the Coronavirus pandemic? Listen in as Natasha Solovieff and Michelle discuss Natasha’s signature strategy which helps parents to stay engaged with their children and each other. Her L.O.V.V.E. Way invites families to begin Listening, Om-ing (centering yourself), Voicing, Visioning, and Exploring in order to unwind any difficult feelings, emotions, and situations and determine what is of value to them as a family. The L.O.V.V.E. Way creates a solid path in this time of uncertainty and provides relationship and self-reflection tools that are extremely vital, and yet, rarely taught.

"What I wanted to give parents is a default way of moving out of our snappy moments and those things that come up in parenting that are really heightened right now that cause us to disengage with our children and to disengage with ourselves, and our partner. Relationships are this dance between being engaged, being disengaged, and bringing ourselves back into engagement. And, that’s a skill." —  Natasha Solovieff

About Natasha Solovieff:

With a BSN and M.Ed., Natasha has 25+ years as a Maternal Child Health clinical and public health nurse. She is the author of “The Dance of Parenting: Finding Your Inner Choreographer” a book that invites you to energize and strengthen your parenting dance by using your parenting L.O.V.V.E. skills. She also writes heartfelt and intriguing science-for-parents blogs.


Connect with Natasha Solovieff:


Twitter:  @OParenting


Connect with Michelle Smith:


Facebook: Birth Ease, The Birth Ease Podcast

Instagram: @ birtheasemichellesmith

YouTube: Birth Ease

LinkedIn: Birth Ease Michelle Smith

Pinterest: Birth Ease

Show: Birth Ease