Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

Want To Try Solo Podcasting? - A Format Suggestion
May 08, 2018

Dave Jackson of School Of Podcasting recently launched a new podcast called History Of Six Shooter that I think showcases a perfect format for podcasters who want to work on solo podcasting. Basically, he's working off a journal which has already...

The "3-Part" Podcast Series - An Example
May 08, 2018

Remember when this podcast was called Big Podcast Daily? If so, you may have heard this episode where I talk about a "3-Part Podcast Series." Want an example of what this actually looks like? Listen to this. More thoughts on this episode... Don't Let...

3 Reasons To ALWAYS Edit Your Podcast
May 07, 2018

Unless your podcast is a hobby, you should always edit your podcasts. Always. Andrew Deitsch feels differently. And I get where he's coming from.  The discussion continues on this episode... Want to jump in? Send me your thoughts. Don't Let Your...

Rush Limbaugh Before He Was Famous - Lessons For Podcasters
May 06, 2018

Like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh does extremely well with his brand of right-wing media. The big difference between the two is Rush Limbaugh is actually a great radio host. How did he get so good? That's what I talk about on this episode. I also play...

Why Sean Hannity Sucks At Interviewing People - Lessons For Podcasters
May 05, 2018

Sean Hannity isn't known for being an objective journalist. In fact, most people in media don't consider him to be a journalist at all. I'm fine with that. Most podcasters aren't journalists either. Like Sean Hannity, they're commentators. My issue...

The #1 Podcast Audience Killer
May 04, 2018

You see this happen all the time in politics -- somebody is ahead in the polls, then eventually loses the election. The same issue is a problem for podcasters. We have an audience for our podcast and things are going well one minute...until they're...

Are You Ignoring Your Current Podcast Listeners?
May 03, 2018

Still in the boot. Couldn't stand hanging around the house anymore, so I called my father and we hit the burrito place. I couldn't believe what I saw. I don't expect five-star service at a burrito place, but this was embarrassing.  Don't let it...

Are You Podcasting To The Wrong Audience?
May 02, 2018

Michelle Wolf pissed off a ton of people at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner last week.  How did this happen? Did the guy who booked her not see any of the hundreds of videos of her that are available online? No. They...

How To Make Sh*t Happen - Podcasting Edition
May 01, 2018

Found this book on Amazon called How to Make Sh*t Happen. This book is currently ranked #211 out of all the books on Amazon. Why? It's not because it's extremely well-written. In fact, the very first word is spelled wrong. But the author, Sean Whalen,...

What Kills Great Podcasts (And Podcasters)
April 30, 2018

I broke my foot over the weekend. You can see the x-rays here. Had an interesting experience with the doctor. He sees this a lot. He told me this kind of injury is "very common." That's about all he told me.  This is the "curse of knowledge" --...