Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Latest Episodes

1-8-16 Howell Highlights: Super Volcanoes, Hookers & Cocain
January 08, 2016

Happy Birthday to Elvis and unlike Gary Busey in D.C. Cab, "Big" John is working today. Some topics the gang tackle: the Oregon Standoff continues after they refuse offer of amnesty, could Yellowstone Park be destroyed by a Super Volcano and one man ju...

1-7-16 Apologies
January 07, 2016

Keith Conrad jumps on the air to help 'Big' John clear up some misconceptions from this morning's show.

Larry Kudlow - Senior Contributor for CNBC
January 07, 2016

The market turmoil in China spread around the world, as global investors grew more anxious about the country’s currency and the health of its economy. Larry Kudlow, Senior Contributor for CNBC and host of The Larry Kudlow Show, joins to discuss the mar...

Rick Morrissey - Chicago Sun Times Sport Columnist
January 07, 2016

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have announced that Head Coach Lovie Smith has been relieved of his duties. Rick Morrissey, Sports Columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times joins us to discuss the former Chicago Bears Coach and what the reasoning was for Smith to b...

Rick Perlstein - The New Yorker
January 07, 2016

City of Chicago lawyers, after meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, demanded the Laquan McDonald family bury the video showing the killing of their son by a police officer. Live and in studio to discuss Mayor Emanuel and the backlash he's received from the...

Congressman Bob Dold - R-IL 10th District
January 07, 2016

The House on Wednesday passed legislation that would repeal much of ObamaCare and defund Planned Parenthood for one year, sending the measure to President Obama’s desk. Joining the show to discuss, Congressman from the 10th District in Illinois, Bob Do...

1-7-16 Howell Highlights - Spending Our Lottery Money Before it's Won
January 07, 2016

Looking at the best of the morning so far, "Big" John Howell and the team discuss what they would do with $10 million. He also tackles Lovie Smith being fired... again, a car dealer gets kidnapped during test drive, Keith Conrad's "Tales from the Redli...

K.T. McFarland - FOX News National Security Analyst
January 07, 2016

The U.N. Security Council is set to implement "significant" punitive measures after North Korea's nuclear test and will begin working on a new resolution immediately. Host of DEFCON 3 on FOX News, our friend K.T. McFarland joins from the WLS Hotline to...

1-6-16 - Apologies
January 06, 2016

The Oregon "patriots", producer Jonathan Bregman, and carnies.

Tim Stevens - Editor, CNET
January 06, 2016

What are some of the new gadgets at CES in Las Vegas? Tim Stevens, editor of CNET, was on with Big John this morning. He is covering CES.