Better at English

Better at English

Latest Episodes

039 – Daily Rituals part 4 – Real English Conversations
March 11, 2017

Kyla and Lori hate being interrupted when they're concentrating. How about you? Interruptions, distractions, and turning off the internet to focus on recording an album.

038 – Daily rituals part 3 – Real English Conversations
March 05, 2017

Introduction Hi English learners! Lori here, your teacher from In this episode of Real English Conversations, you'll hear part 3 of my conversation with Kyla. We are talking about the book Daily Rituals by Mason Currey.

037 – Daily Rituals 2 – Real English Conversations
February 27, 2017

Hi English learners! Lori here, your teacher from In this episode of Real English Conversations, you'll hear part 2 of my conversation with Kyla. We're discussing a book that we both really liked. It's called Daily Rituals,

036 – Daily Rituals 1 – Real English Conversations
February 23, 2017

Part 1 of 5. Lori and Kyla break the ice and get to know each other before going on to discuss the book Daily Rituals by Mason Currey.

035 – There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep – Real English Conversations
June 08, 2014

Lori and her mom talk about their bedtime routines and what they do to get good night's sleep. Lots of idioms and phrasal verbs in this one!

034 – Showing up for English learning success
May 25, 2014

Lori talks to you about one of her favorite quotes: 80% of success is showing up. You'll learn what it means and who said it. And if you're feeling discouraged with your English progress, you'll learn how resolving to keep "showing up" can get you back...

033 – Lori burns her arm – Real English Conversations
May 09, 2014

Lori burns her arm while making a cup of tea, and can't sleep because it hurts so much. Her mother tries to help her find a way to get through the night. The real English conversation is between Lori and her mother the following morning,

032 – Real English Conversations: Perfectionism 3
May 05, 2014

This is the transcript for Better at English "Real English Conversations" podcast episode about perfectionism and procrastination (part 3)

031 – Telling Time in English – Real English Conversations
May 06, 2010

Lori invites her mom onto the podcast to discuss telling time in English, focusing on some of the differences between American and British English usage.

032 – Perfectionism and Procrastination 3 – Real English Conversations
March 30, 2010

Lori and her Dutch friend Yvette return to finish their conversation about perfectionism and procrastination. This time they focus on the strategies that have proved useful in their own battles with this debilitating problem.